Quick Guide About Lice Treatment In Miami

Head lice in children is common but it makes the parents upset and they make rushed decisions. You should know that these do not transmit any diseases and the most that the kids face is itching. There are methods of lice treatment in Miami that are easy, effortless and effective. This tend to be common in children in ages 3 to 11 especially the girl child. It lives in various hair types such as natural, dyed, curly or straight.

It is worth knowing the mode of their spread. Their presence has nothing to do with hygiene and they do not jump or live on pets. Head-to-head contact is the way they move from one person to another. This often happens during playtime, school hours, slumber parties or sports. Even sharing various personal items as hair accessories, hairbrush and hats help them to spread. For lice treatment in Miami, it is worth knowing that they need to feed on blood every 12-24 hours. This means that they are not able to survive from human head longer than one day.Once you know that the child has lice it is time for containing the problem so that it does not spread to other members of the family.

• Avoid close contact or hugging
• Check whether others in the home have the problem
• Prevent re-infestation with treatment for whole family

Containing the problem is also part of lice treatment in Miami. This involves washing the pillowcase, hat or similar items touching the head with hot water. There is no need to disinfect the entire house because transmission from inanimate objects is a rare phenomenon. In this regard, understanding lifecycle of head louse is quite important. Lice are present on the head as nits or eggs attached to hair base firmly. This might appear as dandruff but when examined under magnifying glass these is oval, not flat.

Lice treatment in Miami also involves the removal of nits. Nymph produced from the eggs is grayish white and undergo three stages to turn into adults. These have tan color and you find them moving across scalp quickly. Successful removal involves death of all these three stages of lice development. Lice cannot survive without human host so with no hair on the head, the insects go away too. This is one of the viable even if extreme solutions for parents when their child suffers from this problem.

When the child has short haircut, lice treatment in Miami involves destruction of habitat. Then there are OTC products like shampoos that might work but you have to apply this more than once to get the desired results. Then when nothing works, there is the treatment clinics that give you expert solutions that work for your particular case. To read more Click Here

Carter & Davis, 12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002, (541) 754-3010
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